#StJohnPaul2 Twitterstorm, Oct 22 @ 6pm Eastern

StJohnPaul2 meme 1John Paul II was the one who inspired my vocation to the priesthood. So many others were touched by him. Now Pope Francis has everything set to make him a saint. To celebrate let’s all tweet about Pope John Paul on his feast-day, October 22nd at 6pm Eastern Time (5pm central, 4pm mountain, and 3pm pacific). We’ll tweet for the whole hour (till 7pm eastern); if you want to keep going after, great! Let’s let the world know how much we love him.

In the past we’ve done twitterstorms at early hours but I want to get teens involved. John Paul was the Pope of youth (even his decree of heroic virtue mentioned this). It needs to be late in the east to be just after school in the west.

Here’s just a few ideas for things you may want to thank John Paul for: World Youth Day, Theology of the Body, defeating Communism, your personal spiritual growth based on him, his fidelity in all things, or his suffering love shown to the end. Tweet what you want. Just make sure you have #StJohnPaul2 as part of each tweet.

Let’s try to beat what we did for #ThanksPontifex for Francis’s first 6 months: #1 in the US and top 10 worldwide.

Remember that his canonization date is April 27th. Then he’ll officially be #StJohnPaul2 but we can still invoke him that way now.

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