“Why I am Catholic?” – Bringing the Transcendentals into Apologetics

I wrote a review of “Why I am Catholic?” by Brandon Vogt for Aleteia.

When I was in my teens and 20s I loved apologetics books. I loved learning all these scriptural zingers to hit Protestants with. It made me feel secure in my faith.

But then something changed.

I realized this form of apologetics, while strengthening my own faith, did little to help others. It was just good for arguing, but not necessarily for convincing. It also seemed to miss wide swaths of the population who weren’t hardcore sola scriptura defenders but were vaguely Protestant or more-or-less nothing.

Kreeft and Tacelli’s Handbook of Christian Apologetics helped me see a way to respond to non-Christians. But something still felt incomplete.

Recently, I found the book that gives me completion. Why I Am Catholic, by Brandon Vogt, is the best book on apologetics I’ve read in a long time and one of the few apologetics books I’d feel comfortable sharing with non-Catholics…

Read the rest on Aleteia.

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