I was recently on a podcast called The Crab and the Cross. We recorded the podcast back in early November, so you can hear me talk about recently being on At Home with Jim and Joy on EWTN. But it just came out this week. This podcast covered a number of topics, from autistic prayer to privacy to Elon’s recent purchase of Twitter. I realize I need to ask for the questions beforehand to avoid stuttering or filler words. Overall I think it was good. MaryRose Depperschmidt, the host, has a unique voice I don’t always hear. I hope you all enjoy it.
Here is it embedded.
It is also available on Podcast Addict, Anchor, Podbean, Apple Podcasts, and I’m sure others.

I’m open to doing other podcasts on topics I am more expert on, like autism & prayer, Catholic Twitter, the ethics of privacy from a Catholic viewpoint, etc. You don’t need to be the biggest podcast. I don’t think The Crab & the Cross is the biggest podcast, but I was still happy to do it. I have mainly done Catholic podcasts but am open to others too. I am especially interested in podcasts where I can promote my book: God Loves the Autistic Mind. I have a policy that I always listen to one episode before agreeing, so don’t expect me to record two days from when you contact me if I’ve never heard from you, but otherwise, I’m pretty flexible. Use this site’s contact form.