I summarized an important new book over at Crux:
Three professors from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute in Rome indicate Amoris Laetitia upholds traditional teaching in a new bookAcompañar, Dicernir, Integrar: Vademécum para una nueva pastoral familiar a partir de la exhortación Amoris Laetitia (“Accompany, Discern, Integrate: Handbook for a new family ministry starting from the exhortation Amoris Laetitia”).
They interpret “the help of the sacraments” in the infamous footnote 351 to refer not to offering absolution or Communion, but to a less complete participation in the sacraments. Confession is not limited to absolution, but also involves three acts of the penitent – contrition, confession and satisfaction – which can be carried out imperfectly by someone unable to receive absolution and thus Communion.