The turning point in a big case happened. I shared the news with a little analysis.

Today, Mr. Theodore McCarrick is no longer a cleric: he has no right to celebrate any of the sacraments and cannot present himself as a priest or bishop. This is the end of the road for him as far as what the Church can do. The recent scandal – based on episcopal misbehavior and a wink wink attitude to sexually active clerics – began when credible and sustained accusations against him came out last June. McCarrick was removed from ministry and resigned as a Cardinal. Right after, all kinds of stories began circulating in public about things that had been only said in private but seemed widely known before: McCarrick also abused seminarians. Priests I know from several states away knew about these accusations a decade ago.
This is the end for him, but it cannot be the end of resolving the underlying issues.
Read the rest on Patheos.