A few things have been published about my book, God Loves the Autistic Mind, and I think the summary posted in the newspaper of the Florida Catholic Bishops is one of the best summaries I’ve seen. I’ll quote part of the summary below. I hope that it can help you and others.
If you want to pre-order the book it’s available on the Pauline Store USA, Amazon, and Pauline Canada: hopefully, others will be added soon. (The estimated release date is June 1 but I don’t think that is set in stone.)
The summary on Florida Catholic Media:

“‘Jesus loves you just the way you are’ is a common refrain in CCD or religious education classes. However, those of us living with an autistic brain don’t often feel it.” Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC, a Catholic priest with autism, tackles this problem with insight and authenticity in his groundbreaking new book, God Loves the Autistic Mind: Prayer Guide for Those on the Spectrum and Those Who Love Us, published by Pauline Books & Media. […]
Fr. Schneider dedicates the first part of God Loves the Autistic Mind to unpacking the autistic experience of faith, catechesis, and prayer; debunking myths; and offering practical ideas and encouragement for autistics on their journey of faith.
Part Two includes 52 guided meditations for autistics to assist them in prayer and help them apply principles from the first part of the book. Throughout, Fr. Schneider offers an insightful and comprehensive approach to prayer and spirituality for those on the spectrum and their families, pastors, catechists, and faith communities, while advocating for greater understanding, diversity, and unity in the Church. “Prayer is always an adventure,” Fr. Schneider writes. “Autistic prayer is no different: it is just a different type of adventure.” In God Loves the Autistic Mind, Fr. Schneider invites autistics and their loved ones to embark on this adventure with him and with the Church.