On Halloween, I was out in Alabama to film a few EWTN shows in person. The first two episodes of the same show dropped this week. They were on At Home with Jim and Joy. The show is set in a kind of living room with their actual family photos in the background. One thing about the studio that slightly surprised me was that the photos in the background are clearly their own family. (On TV they are not zoomed in close enough to notice that.) Jim and Joy were extremely kind and accommodating.

Jim and Joy were the ones who first invited me out then other things such as EWTN bookmark and some radio spots were added on later. The two episodes are somewhat divided into my life and my book on autistic prayer, although the show is a little casual and there is some overlap.
Sorry for the delay in getting these out. This week has been a little crazy as I am still teaching full-time, and I need to be ahead with stuff recorded so I can go to the Fall Ethics Conference at Notre Dame next week. THen I found out my microphone broke and I had to re-record 3-3.5 hours of class.
First Episode
Here is the first episode that came out on Wednesday.
Embedding it here did not work, so you can follow the YouTube link or the EWTN link.
As noted above the focus is on my life. It also talks about what autism is and things like stimming in prayer as the conversation was more free-flowing than strictly structured.
Second Episode
The second episode of At Home with Jim and Joy ran on Thursday. We recorded it 15 minutes later with just a slight wardrobe change.
Embedding did not work, so you can watch in via the Youtube link or the EWTN link.
This was more on autistic prayer and my book specifically.
I hope these two episodes can help people out. Jim and Joy helped me a few times to explain things the audience might not understand. I think this is particularly helpful for those less familiar with autism as it is for a wider, non-specialist audience.