The Anchor, the paper of the diocese of Fall River, MA, decided to review my book on their own. Many dioceses picked up existing reviews and reprinted them, but I appreciate dioceses who accept their own reviews.
Their review starts:

In light of Autism awareness, Father Matthew P. Schneider’s “God Loves the Autistic Mind” published by Pauline Press (Boston) is a timely and insightful guide to prayer for those on the autism spectrum and their loved ones.
“The goal of this book is to help my fellow autistic Christians and their families pray better,” Schneider wrote in his introduction.
As an autistic priest with the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi and as a theology instructor at Belmont Abbey College, Schneider provides a first-hand account in prayer as an autistic.
“Prayer is always an adventure,” he wrote. “Autistic prayer is no different: it’s just a different type of adventure. It’s as if everyone else is watching “Star Wars,” while we’re watching “Star Trek.” Both are space adventures with interstellar travel, warp speed, and laser weapons, but the rules for how things work are a little different. Each person must go on his or her own adventure seeking out God in prayer. This book provides something of a road map or interstellar guide for the autistic seeking Jesus, but it cannot replace your own effort.”
You can read the rest on the website of The Anchor.
This review did not have anything earth-shattering compared to other reviews, but I thought I would share it.