Category: Bioethics

Examples of less remote cooperation in evil (all public domain from pixabay and unsplash)

12 Things Less-Remote Cooperation in Evil Than COVID Vaccines

I wrote a kind of reductio ad absurdum about how remote the connection to abortion is with vaccines only tested on fetal cell lines. In recent days, several vaccines for COVID have reached the final approval process. The USCCB indicated that Catholics […]

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Girl happy after getting vaccinated (CC0 CDC)

Clarifying Catholic Teaching on Vaccines re: Fr. Michael Copenhagen

I wrote about the question of vaccines a priest raised speaking at an anti-vax event. Several times people have sent me talks or writings by Fr. Michael Copenhagen claiming that he explains the actual Catholic teaching on vaccines. This is […]

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Child’s Arm with two band-aids after a vaccine (CC0 Charles Deluvio on Unsplash)

Debunking Catholic Disinformation Re: Vaccines (Viganò)

I wrote in response to one of Archbishop Viganò’s letters about the vaccine which strayed from Catholic teaching. Archbishop Viganò was the papal nuncio in the USA years ago but has recently come to fame for various letters he’s written […]

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