Category: Bioethics

Say no to almost all pills (2 images: both CC0 pixabay)

If Any Drug Tested on HEK-293 Is Immoral, Goodbye Modern Medicine

I posted about how prevalent testing on HEK-293 is on Patheos. When I published it, I did not expect it, but this became probably my most-viewed post of all time. For years, the Church has generally encouraged vaccines while noting […]

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Covid vaccine and test (CC0 pixabay)

Scientific Errors Lead to Moral Errors Re: Vaccines (3/3 on Fr. Ripperger)

The third post on Fr. Ripperger’s errors. This is the third and final post on Fr. Ripperger and vaccines in his podcast interview. The first focused on his problem with failing to identify the object of most vaccination as immunization. The second focused on his […]

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