12 Things Less-Remote Cooperation in Evil Than COVID Vaccines

I wrote a kind of reductio ad absurdum about how remote the connection to abortion is with vaccines only tested on fetal cell lines.

Examples of less remote cooperation in evil (all public domain from pixabay and unsplash)
Examples of less remote cooperation in evil (all public domain from pixabay and unsplash)

In recent days, several vaccines for COVID have reached the final approval process. The USCCB indicated that Catholics can morally take the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. At least 28 other US bishops have issued concurring statements.

There is a concern about remote material cooperation in evil. The USCCB notes it in their statement. However, some have thought this so grave that Catholics should not get vaccinated.

Receiving these vaccines is so remote that in our everyday lives we do things that are more proximate cooperation in evil. At a certain degree of remoteness, cooperation in evil is unavoidable living in modern society. I will point out first how remote this is in the case of COVID vaccination, then 12 other things that are less remote. On top of these being less remote, the proportionate good of these is less than a vaccine; vaccination in the abstract is a great good for you and others.

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