Along with my writing here, I have written for or appeared in at least 425 other media outlets. Here is a list of the ones I saw:

- I have written pieces appearing in the National Catholic Register, America, The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Crux, Public Discourse, Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Nova et Vetera, Aleteia, ZENIT, ChurchPOP, Patheos, Catholic Stand, Catholic Moral Theology, The Linacre Quarterly, ProjectYM, The Journal of Disability & Religion,, Ignitium Today,, Regnum Christi Live, CatholicismUSA, NeuroClastic, and Shalom Tidings.
- My pieces have been featured in New Advent, The National Catholic Register,, The Catholic Herald, and Spirit Daily.
- I have been interviewed on/in Catholic Answers, The Pillar, the EWTN Nightly News, Catholic News Agency, U.S. Catholic Magazine, The Son Rise Morning Show, Crux, Morning Air on Relevant Radio, The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM, EWTN Pro-Life Weekly, At Home with Jim and Joy, Our Sunday Visitor, The Irish Catholic, EWTN Noticias, This Is the Day on CatholicTV, EWTN News In-Depth, L’Agenzia S.I.R. (Italian Bishops’ Conference news service), The Catholic Herald, Busted Halo, The Art of Autism, Take2 on EWTN radio, Elite Daily, and Kresta in the Afternoon.
- I or my work has appeared in stories by Vatican News, Catholic News Agency, Crux, the Associated Press, Public Discourse, Publishers Weekly, Health Care Ethics USA, The Catholic Register, the Huffington Post, Christianity Today, Slate, Fox News, Annales Theologici, The Philippine Daily Inquirer, CNN, The Washington Post, ZENIT, MSN, Word on Fire, “On Religion” (syndicated column), People Magazine, Elite Daily, Yahoo News, National Review, BuzzFeed, Ave Maria Press, The Washington Times, Univision, The Daily Wire, The Michael Knowles Show, Breitbart, Church Life Journal, CBS News, The Hill, Fox Business, The New York Times Online, and The Guardian.
- Many lesser-known sources also featured my work or me.
- Secular national or worldwide sources: Daily Express, CNN Español, AlterNet, LiveAction, Washington Examiner, Campus Reform, The Stream, Upworthy, Aut-ish, Mediaite, Errick Erickson’s Confessions of a Political Junkie, Not The Bee, Ground News, MashupMD, UPolitics, Independent Journal Review, Plagiarism Today, Vaxopedia, Periodista Digital, The Dispatch, AsumeTech, Daily Caller, Zenith News, Best Brothers Group, Movie Guide, CBC Newsworld, Republic Matters, Cinema Blend, MRC NewsBusters, The Post Millenial, USSA News, RationalWiki, Daily Kos,, The Vajenda, Main Street Press, The Travel, RifNote, Conservapedia, News84 Media, Expletive Archive, Americans United for Separation of Chruch and State, CTV [nightly] News, Patriot Post, BizPac Review, Off the Press, World Report Now, Dead Death, Law360, Newser, I Get Talk, theghana-italynews, Uproxx, Check Your Fact, The Pinnacle Gazette, The Latin Times, The Poke, Giant Freakin Robot, Social Press Blog, Free Republic, Republic Matters, Western Highlights, The Real Truther Show (Twitter Space), Karlstack, Trendolizer, Distractify, Freedom Bunker, BrainWave.Watch, One News Page, Headline USA, Vigourtimes,, Liberty Journal, Grunge, and The Federalist
- Secular local or regional sources: NBC 4 (New York), Lexington Herald-Leader, Arkansas Times, ClevelandPeople.Com, CBS Baltimore, WDSU (NBC New Orleans), Winona Daily News, The Gauntlet (U of Calgary), Corn Nation,, The Calgary Herald, San Diego Today, Only in Your State, WTSP (Tampa Bay), CFCN Calgary, Montana Daily Gazette, and Commonwealth Journal (Somerset, KY).
- Sources outside Canada and the USA: RT, Sputnik, (the largest distribution paper in Czechia),, The Assyrian International News Agency, Știri pentru viață, Soledad: Keep Memories Alive, Yo influyo, El Periódico de México, Libertà e Persona, and sNEWSi.
- Autism sources: Kerry Magro, Autism Policy and Politics (, Spectrum Fusion, International Badass Activists, Learn from Autistics, Macoco TV CHANNEL, Pursuit of Research, and Animating the Autism Community.
- Non-Catholic but religious or pro-life sources: The Christian Science Monitor, Relevant Magazine, FaithWire,, March for Life, American Life League, The Christian Post, World Religion News, National Catholic Reporter,, The Family Research Council, The Hillsdale Collegian, The American Feminist, Pastor’s Academy, Campagne Québec-Vie, Christian Daily, LifeSiteNews, Voices for Life, The Five Pilgrims, Forerunner To The Antichrist, Bible Science Forum, Christianity Daily, Population Research Institute, Warhorn Media, Biblical Genetics, Anchored to Truth, Intercessors for America, Orthodox Ethos, Wisdom International, Life Transformation Blog, Sarasota-Manatee Right to Life, The Coalition of Spirit-filled Churches, Lift High the Cross podcast, Good Word News, Pope Francis the Destroyer, Matters of Soul Importance with Roxane Salonen, Bishop Accountability, Joshua J. Styles Substack, Deeper Waters Podcast, 2 Paragraphs, Vaccine Effects, Rebecca Giles Art, Your Bible Verses Daily, The Mike Church Show, Educate Truth, Orthodox Reflections, Russian Faith, St. John One:One, Anglican Mainstream, We Are Atheist, CFT-France,, Secular Pro-Life Perspectives,, Novus Ordo Watch, and Bible Mesh.
- Official Catholic sources:, Southern Nebraska Register, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, BC Catholic (Archdiocese of Vancouver), St. Louis Review, Angelus News, Florida Catholic Media, Grandin Media, Regnum Christi, Detroit Catholic, Today’s Catholic (Fort Wayne-South Bend), the archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the diocese of Spokane, the archdiocese of Santa Fe, the Diocese of Saint John (New Brunswick), the Diocese of Sacramento, The Catholic Telegraph, Calgary Catholic School District, The Diocese of Madison this week on Relevant Radio, the diocese of Saskatoon, the Diocese of Pueblo, Diocese of Davenport, National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD), The Archdiocese of Edmonton, The Anchor (dicoese of Fall River), John Paul II Catholic Radio, the Cathedral of Birmingham, Catholic Education Resource Center, Catholic Medical Association, The Catholic Leader, The Catholic Sun (Phoenix), National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), Called to Flourish (podcast of Divine Mercy University), Conversatio (Belmont Abbey College), The Diocese of Lancaster, and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
- Widespread but unofficial Catholic sources: Counsel of Trent, Catholic World Report, Where Peter Is, Duquesne Center for Emeging Media, Sacred Heart Radio, Association of Catholic Publishers, The Catholic Thing, Catholic Mom, 1Peter5, Commonweal, EpicPew, What God Is Not Podcast, PrayTellBlog, The Deacon’s Bench, Crisis Magazine, La Croix, Ignatius Insight, Catholic Masses, Dig Life Deep! with John Aidan Byrne, Church Militant, The Troubadour (Franciscan University),, Catholic Match, Stumbling Toward Sainthood, Squire Talks Podcast, California Catholic Daily, Catholic Mental Health Blog, Radio Maria, LectioTube, Catholic Canada, Theology of Home, Catholic-Link, Regain Network, World Catholic News, Da Pacem Domine, CatholicVote, Iowa Catholic Radio, Apostolado Cardeal Newman, Catholic Culture, The Coming Home Network, The Fatima Center, Gia Đình Vui Sống Đức Tin, Katoličke vijesti, Catholic Daily, Spirit-Digest, The Tribulation Times, Chesterton Eagle, VietCatholic News, The American Catholic, Methodios Project, The Splendor of the Church, Dòng Chúa Cứu Thế Việt Nam, Catholic Outlook, Fr. Spitzer’s Universe, Catholic365, Catholic Fact Checking, La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana / The Daily Compass, io ama Gesù, Distinctions Matter, Spiritual Friendship, UCA News, Hành Khất Kitô, Catholic Truth Scottland, Logos Apologética Cristã,, Catholicism and Adventism, Children of God for Life, Collationes (Portuguese), Profiles in Catholicism,, Catholicism Pure & Simple, Society of Saints, Sierra Faith, and Miracoli Eucharistici / Carlo Acutis
- Personal Catholic blogs: Nun Blog, Breaking the Habit (Fr. Casey), St. Therese’s Vision of Disability Giftedness, CathNews USA, Aspie Catholic, The Pursuit of Holiness, Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Restoring the Faith, The Brown Pelican Society, Today’s Catholic Homeschooling, The Believing Astronomer, Junia’s Sisters, Corrispondenza Romana, Katolikus hitvédelem és megújulás, Canon 212, Accepting the Gift, Uniquely Catholic, Ex Corde at Benedictine College, Jimmy Akin, Ex Cathedra, Creative Minority Report, Just Catholic, Catholic Arena, Connecticut Catholic Corner, Traditional Latin Mass in Maryland, Traditional Catholics Emerge, Decrevi Determined to be Catholic, Footprints of God Pilgrimages, The Faith Herald, Defenders of The Catholic Faith (Steve Ray), My Catholic Life! News, Abyssus Abyssum (Bishop Rene Henry Gracida’s blog), Light of Truth, Actualidad y Análisis, Taylor Marshall, Deacon Joseph Herman’s blog, Catholic Household, Gratuitous Web Presence (Garcia Buxton), Catholic Rennaisance Movement, Chris Damien’s Blog, Catholic Bard, Deacon Scott Maentz’s blog, The Catholic Corner (podcast), The Reproach of Christ, Diligite iustitiam, Renovatio21, HaleStorm, Aldo Maria Valli, Tom Perna’s Blog, Catholic Recruitment, Dr. Bouchard’s Medical Home, STL Catholics, Sabino Paciolla’s Blog, The Simple Catholic, Catholic Letters, Roman Catholic Imperialist, Choosing-Him, Biblical Evidence for Catholicism,, Jen Fitz’s blog “Sticking the Corners,” John Fisher 2.0, Saint Elanor, Catholic Family News, Catholic and Enjoying It, Into the Dance, From Rome, Musings of an Old Curmudgeon, Todd K Marsha, My Catholic Country, Nick Alexander’s blog, and The Stumbling Block.
- I did not count parishes, forum posts, social media shares, or emails as they are not really the same (minor and hard to measure).
You can read my complete bio on my main About Me page.
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