Over the past two years, while I was writing my doctoral thesis, I was the assistant chaplain at Divine Mercy University in Northern Virginia. This school year, I am living outside a Legionary house while teaching at Belmont. As a religious, still need to have a house, and so I’m a member of this community. On my trip back to my community over fall break, I recorded an episode of the Called to Flourish Podcast at Divine Mercy.
This is similar to other interviews I’ve done. However, as the audience is more those who are involved in or interested in psychology, I could make some assumptions, like they know what the DSM-5 is, and go a little deeper on psychological topics.
Here’s the YouTube link:
And here is their audio-only podcast embedded and on various platforms
Available on the following sites:
Hopefully, this episode of the Called to Flourish podcast helps a number of people who are autistic or know autistic individuals. Psychologists can often help people flourish but they need to understand what is going on below the surface. Understanding autism and spirituality can be one stage in that.
Other Podcasts beyond Called to Flourish
I’ve recorded several other podcasts and an episode of an EWTN show on autism and prayer. Several of them will be out in early 2023. If you have a podcast you want me to be on, please fill out the contact form and I’ll get back to you. I’m open to talking about autism and spirituality or other topics I’ve posted online about. These podcasts can be Catholic, other Christian, or specifically autistic. My time is a little limited so secular podcasts unrelated to autism are not a priority.