1. The problem with vaccines is that they rely on humans. For example, in 2009, Pandemrix released a Flu vaccine that caused Narcolepsy in a much larger than usual group of people. It took 6 years to prove the government and the vax manufacturer had taken shortcuts, 8 years to hypothesize what went wrong, and a full 10 years to prove that the vaccine caused the immune system to attack the part of the brain that influences sleep. With this one example, it proves that vaccines are not “fully” tested, and any issues will take up to a decade just to find out why they failed.
    The Covid vax is another example where the vax manufacturers and governments colluded to skip animal trials, publish false information on efficacy, and literally attack the unvaccinated for killing people that had been vaccinated (think about that idea for a moment – how can an unvaccinated person hurt a vaccinated person unless the vaccine proves to enhance the virility of the disease). In addition, those negatively affected by the vax were under-represented and literally cancelled on the media and social media stage. We are only now beginning to understand the repercussions of DNA modifying vaccines. I would humbly suggest that DNA modification should be anathema to the church.
    When governments and vaccine manufacturers collude to artificially inflate your number 3 and skip your number 4, we the people have no obligation to comply.

    1. By that logic, I should never buy groceries as there have been food poisonings of groceries. I should also never drive on the road as automobile accidents are a major cause of death in this country.

      I give these two examples as the logic of your argument: you should not do X as there might be some issue if humans in charge of safety don’t do their job makes living in society almost impossible.

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