Since we sent thousands of #ThanksPontifex messages, I doubt the Pope can read them all. Here’s the letter I sent him to summarize it and thank him. I dropped it off at the Vatican post office this afternoon.
I include my original English and a German translation done by a friend which is what I actually sent Benedict XVI. For those who want to write the Pope Emeritus:
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Papal Residence (Palazzo Apostolico)
00040 Castel Gandolfo (RM)
March 4, 2013
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Papal Residence, Castel Gandolfo
Your Holiness Benedict XVI, Pax Christi
The whole world is grateful for your service to the Church over these past 8 years. It would be hard to express our gratitude fully so we tried in the best way we could. A few days before you stepped down, a few of us on Twitter had the idea of getting thousands of people to tweet #ThanksPontifex and their reason for gratitude. I would be like a thank-you card with Thousands of signatures.
On the 27th and 28th of February, 31,742 messages of gratitude were sent out from all the continents of the world to thank you. When you stepped down at 8pm on the 28th, 3,971 tweets of gratitude went out in one hour. Many are thankful that you were an example of humility; that you were an example of prayer; that you taught them with Jesus of Nazareth, Deus Caritas Est, Caritas in Veritate, and Spe Salvi; that you were a real father showing loving care; that you stood up for the faith in a secularized world; and that you lead the Church. Most used the standard methods, but a few teachers gathered Thank yous from their class then tweeted them. We offer you a selection of tweets in various languages to represent our collective gratitude.
[@Cardinal_Wuerl] The papacy of Benedict XVI has ended. The Chair of Peter is vacant. Thank you, Holy Father, for your faithful service. #ThanksPontifex
[@AlliSeeIsChrist] #ThanksPontifex for teaching us the true meaning of humility and embracing the crosses Jesus asks us to carry. Enjoy your retirement!
[@iPadre] @Pontifex Thank you for your contribution to the Sacred Liturgy. You are the father of the New Liturgical Movement! #ThanksPontifex
[@SkeeterMaghee] #ThanksPontifex for 38 inspiring tweets
[@LT_EllenC] I’m just extremely grateful for all you have done for our Church. Thank you for your beautiful witness of Christ’s Love! #ThanksPontifex
[@schndersa] #Thankspontifex thank you for your wonderful example to the World.
[@perrylamanilao] Semper in orationibus nostris, @Pontifex_ln. Nos diligimus vos. Et orabit pro te. #ThanksPontifex
[@eri_story] Vielen Dank für Ihre Serie der Bücher “Jesus von Nazareth” #ThanksPontifex
[@righetto] Grazie @Pontifex per la tua preghiera costante #thankspontifex
[@PYves_P] Pour votre humilité, vos enseignements, votre présence et votre exemple, notamment à Sydney et à Madrid, #ThanksPontifex
[@marivirgm] Emoción. Oración. Agradecimiento. Confianza en Dios. Viva el Papa!! #ThanksPontifex #graciasBenedictoXVI
As you promised in your final audience to accompany us in prayer, we promise to accompany you in prayer as friends while you begin this final pilgrim stage of life. As they say on Twitter #GBU (God bless you).
Yours Sincerely in Christ,
Br Matthew P. Schneider, LC (@22Catholic)
With my fellow organizers and promoters: Dr Brian Kiczek (@DrBrianKiczek), his wife Esmeralda (@EsmeraldaKiczek), and Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy).
Since messages came from every continent I couldn’t collect everyone’s signature. Instead, here’s the first 1000 people I found tweeting #ThanksPontifex.
@olwillowbrook, @SundayReverb, @pattif21, @consagradas, @shjfrancesca, @sheniquemiller, @Yvadne, @C_Westling, @paulscullion, @FMaria777, @AmericanPapist, @SBingaman, @fr_hasser, @JanisTomasek, @NFPandMe, @theperkypilgrim, @49tech, @Mwaits31, @danicutro, @dwhitaker90, @Pathound, @mariejocath, @w8injoyfulhope, @isgersqcev, @frtorom, @sueyangel, @Kleiner_Balduin, @stephenmozier, @ChumsyWellsLi, @sujaymerwyn, @sassychizel, @SoyoyoS, @nblauriabmrioco, @madie90, @IchthusYM, @crow_john, @abc13houston, @theKristiB, @Pax_etBonum_, @dinda9595, @NonaPenelope2, @John7048, @arcturusii, @SMcKenziePrice, @jimimiller3, @SrHelenaBurns, @9nehrs, @delicious12u91, @SoleilRose, @Optimistic143, @Roseblue, @PapaJuliusII, @15decaderosary, @anayansi_MSA28, @cartonete, @HopefulCatholic, @emersonespinola, @catholicbridge, @write4jesus, @funnypelf, @AndreaEmanuele9, @morehouse64, @sullijo, @Jennifer_Grant, @BelovedCatholic, @boscojack, @Kyle_Froland, @cyanheaven, @brulecamp, @MNRisso, @SusContraMundum, @SaraFredestad, @LAMECHPAUL, @Sotarbe, @KatherineTrunk, @Catholic_Truth, @therobynlowe, @Sjgpotter, @xmatt_1988, @roynkosi, @leodherrera, @Daren_J_Zehnle, @pilgrimclaz, @acardnal, @markjepson62, @MECprairieskies, @all_hrs, @josephhaustin, @MitchellXris, @Goldie11Michael, @CauseofourJoy, @catholicfreedom, @nest94rod, @CoreyBruns, @nolancatholic, @scoop1030, @Lydiagrijalva23, @AndrewPurcell3, @SusieSue72, @garyb525, @agnesday0204, @trof4st, @Anchr_Man67, @FOCUSatASU, @14Trier, @Church_Teen, @TGrillanda, @dathan_c, @iamLydes, @Catholic_Quote, @izebuno, @stmonicasbridge, @greglamatrice, @JamesDyson_, @mteresamtz, @vinnypollino, @marchodd, @ScotsCatholic, @frayjoseantonio, @tiberjudy, @tami_mcclain, @codeezra, @SabineMcGetigan, @haneyanne, @JosephaKiran, @cassiem, @Keeks1721, @corretboi, @KelseyMcCarson, @Phutry_Wikies, @shirleysmind, @josemarimayoral, @ChristianGiftM, @andreapkn, @demmcleod, @LuxSumMundi, @ulisses1985, @favstar_pop, @auntyt1888, @NVitajo, @anapaula81, @pretecasares, @MMarinaccio, @LauraCottrell2, @organist_on_tv, @99GAZI, @ignaciowahyu, @DC40Days4Life, @ScrippiT, @jamesbradley67, @ErinBarnes8, @MBudnicki, @meganboes94, @_alizaracelis, @AnnShultis, @HNOJ_Wayzata, @MeiSuiJhunitz, @Trouzy, @JoanneDeParent, @rodolfomorbiolo, @DavidPeterMI, @cameron_markham, @_sarahhuston, @paddystarbucks, @ShockerCatholic, @gallupsue, @LisaaSmarpaung, @JBinHD, @mpav, @marialilb, @gkaloys, @iamMelkizedek, @jema313, @D_HL, @ND_Montligeon, @LisaPolk, @FrMalin, @Vitae2day, @atelasha, @MamaLizzyK, @amehdansuleiman, @nqgeo5, @Minettamina78, @TrumpetingAngel, @colomaduato, @scottsirk, @EphremHipHop, @gvogt4, @ACatholicSoul, @stjoe88, @CatholicReally, @renedjgomez, @1230radio, @liampgXD, @Tulsapriesthood, @APRILMARY, @LauraMBarker, @itselen08, @siobhankelly7, @WeAreTheSalt1, @gilbert_a_b, @disciple96, @hglifeasaprayer, @StLaboure, @barrientos_elsa, @GoodCounselNet, @TPGee, @johnvikal, @FrBWayne, @ComitePantalon, @oldbrit2011, @benedictskipper, @KelvinCasamayor, @archjosnigeria, @lightsilver33, @will_micah, @CCFather, @lizivee, @ilovepopeb16, @anniekay31, @fountainshall1, @AdaOsneip, @2robhayes, @gowvis, @COfferings, @dianafsr, @RCIA_rodney, @marianrp3773, @Shan1272, @lukegabello, @KindlyLightNYC, @MuenzenMeister, @scalfitona, @dawid_ogar, @FrKevinPeek, @vinyl92, @supahnova04, @Davidspoaz, @irep_edo, @pwatchdog, @WhatTheHelcio__, @EquipoV777, @CubsCat, @eri_story, @anbril_rhythm, @vicmartinezl, @cmcoop77, @L1MB, @jorubio81, @Kendulite, @VivaLaMezzo, @luispdzp, @ArleenSpenceley, @Connor_Einhaus, @ONEZIANNA, @FelipeMurrelli, @despodanielhugo, @buguitabuguita, @808AAlohalaniMc, @mtcv46, @peaceischrist, @saramarietweets, @basscutie04, @SuzyGock, @praying_florida, @ScottWFischer, @AleteiaEN, @ghhorn, @AngelaRII1, @Cybelle, @baBaaaa0510, @MarkMsc, @MuseGlez, @Nicaea1, @paolopugni, @missyc1971, @RoperCoast, @ChrisCzarka, @AwakeDeborah, @sandrachami, @ChaliceCanada, @wolfbugs, @Claire_id, @ritamgs, @CatholicTechTip, @rob_lattin, @divotess1, @VictoryNprayer, @bramucce, @seekingwoman, @littleflowr, @TatianaBru, @wise_gwen, @StagMomX2, @Know_God, @Lemsoboy, @rodreyna, @_Pax_Christi_, @EOKeefer, @SAOStoddard, @rdumas2, @BlinFrdrique, @austin_da_twit, @dove600, @DansKKa7, @StIsidoreStow, @pAurelio1, @mamamarcie, @SrMariaKim, @dadx10, @09jhepinger, @markdrozd333, @steves_twit, @Follow4Faith, @RosalMarieK, @beccabecca27, @tsmith4569, @djkoon32, @MeriemGrace, @fr_andy, @luisalberto12, @Speramus, @c_lapuente, @litlbitofgrace, @BarbInNebraska, @franciscanmom, @jmvanf, @misericordialet, @PadreAllen, @new_tweet_swag, @CCHSMrsBSG, @specialkb678, @EnglishPapist, @CWallace1983, @funton08, @slipperywillie, @marrisch, @imaginethread, @fer_009, @Stoows, @FurnaceofLove1, @SaintJoseph9, @lizzzzygrace, @emmy2735, @Jeanniiie, @bob_1943, @ehanson98, @brpatfsc, @StRobPrincipal, @StDamian_LT, @mhayes2654, @Forord, @subbewo, @Enkeliopettaja, @caellaNDHH, @LordsFisherman, @coraliamarquez, @jodyjyoung, @allanfrederick, @marounelkazzi, @Pitaaahh, @djsprong, @RubiesPraised, @madamepasquier, @alexlazaro7, @louanngg, @Wagner9308, @oneeyedsmiley, @tazadecafe, @ladybugwebb66, @wengito, @Princess_Gabb_, @IntanRuntu, @mclaira, @CatholicTruth, @JZiliox, @Kamilitaqy, @butt_roast, @miliesse, @AngeloSenchuke, @MaranathaIT, @frlydensmith, @CatholicFAQ, @thelifeofadam, @Ignatius_piazon, @1sistersR4ever, @LamontMundane, @WomaninLondon, @PYves_P, @langitanghabol, @FrJosephM, @Paul71, @Thereserita, @IsabelOnaba, @1catherinesiena, @Joseapreel, @ABCsalon, @heidiberktold, @DanchyDirtyPig, @loveofneighbor, @RosaryMovement, @coopsha8, @3sistersR4ever, @SaintMichaelGGA, @wcacym, @swsnevil, @Tommybhoydooley, @Lillibees_mom, @LuzyVidaVC, @katharine_adair, @2sistersR4ever, @alexigari62, @MercyandLove1, @410Claudia, @ArmyoftheFace, @B_JoseSanchez, @Carl79_, @RosaryPower, @minnie5552, @teresaholm1, @Comm4Freedom, @AndyWHumphreys, @EdwardAshton30, @MarkGilliesIV, @mikeisthird, @Stuart1927, @eli4008, @KstL_BajaC, @newadvent, @Ichthus71, @cmcapers, @stephenamilburn, @NwosuKevin, @AntonNicholas1, @JeanFlaherty, @CloverSoldier, @louiseallain, @jjacinta85, @BBachsBeat, @b_marilena, @TheCatholicWord, @ginny_cw, @licamp101, @mitri_jad, @BellaUnAmour, @SpiritualAdopt, @jodair, @Assisi_Project, @reedvin, @SandyGee7, @TheChildJesus, @maangel_07, @Chris_1791, @papabill888, @Suebertram, @midimaravilla, @AlexDrysdale69, @BetsyBAveMaria, @kozafluitmuziek, @pursuedbytruth, @zadokthepriest7, @gabriel76811582, @Uberstanjim, @samfikry, @Lainey8, @MikeCGannon, @ToiRay, @gospa621, @fr_gonzales, @PaddyJManning, @MotherRose1, @MTheresePsalm23, @Conservotop, @marknelza, @underhermantle, @CathTools, @CatholicLisa, @CatholicNotions, @dancingcrane, @thomaspringle, @christysdb, @cgwosthemovie, @PHYS878, @SparkedHearts, @Sacerdotus, @debulyn, @lindagaboardi, @AnnieBSkaggs, @Cathconvert10, @AbbeysRoad, @Donum_Vitae, @RCYouthWorker, @LaCatholicState, @bro_bol, @nmwb2004, @IrelandStandUp, @NazarethCG, @ItsAKingThing, @StPetersList, @mliliedahl, @ChayLupita, @rosebabetski, @emilyrschilling, @rickcris79, @Larain56, @thaisdlp, @FrJoshMiller, @KelechiNwagwu, @MariePutbrese, @DecentFilms, @eeg113, @Curtis_Credo, @Key652, @schndersa, @NateBrusa, @BornhoftLaura, @jenfranz13, @Belcher05, @HighlandlassieE, @julia_rehwald, @mario_cazal, @sarahlcc, @CatholicismRoks, @antonlamarca, @mattswaim, @jolliano, @FrJackD, @franknsp, @valerian247, @scottymastel, @Seivadk, @StephanieMauro2, @JessChadbourne, @PobrePecador, @valmiitz, @iamerincairns, @AlliSeeIsChrist, @jrtl30, @adlpaf, @LonelyPilgrim, @lamiabiola, @mitchjeddah, @Jnyangala, @shadowfeet7, @prim0geniture, @baltchavez, @berrrberry, @vengatiba, @mdhall29, @giniekay, @CbanksAnaenye, @iamRosieB, @lovepeacejustic, @A_R_Hey, @q831, @catholicmominHI, @FrCollinPoston, @RobertLindberg, @USCatholic, @freelobato2013, @DKinnamon, @PaulTonge1, @MrCSchroeder, @the6thJayhawk, @rrowan1, @archtoronto, @SSPPFormation, @MichelleM1888, @juddahthegreat, @Melissaslife7, @natan613, @MindySueI, @teanna_lobo, @RealCatholicMom, @Allie_Marie_S, @CollazoGg1g3d2, @J_Bhoy, @luvyalotsa, @FrRaymondHarris, @WDTnow, @1patrick259, @Michelle_Bauman, @pcamarata, @shaneev, @youthlighthouse, @decolanga, @eponine1949, @AlyceAlisha, @Padre_Chris, @AndrewJL86, @magister_ritus, @lhcatholicmedia, @upanodey, @KirstieAlexand2, @NCRegister, @MattJolley, @TheLovelyLadyKT, @feedyourminds, @Pacoquita5, @socmed_superman, @soneternal, @jmomahony, @Tyler2ONeil, @Richey2cool, @KIAmerine, @LisaHendey, @kathyd1982, @WhollyRoamin, @BrianMcAdam, @CatholicPAX, @SkeeterMaghee, @egosumjoey, @Iam_whiz, @iPriscilaC, @KdbugA, @vonta_pianist, @RexAeterneDeus, @ciaojess, @nottyhottydami, @ruudvink, @ncdvd, @Maia5973, @NicoleDicken1, @deniaryandi, @catholicmatch, @rocket_laura, @inacaps, @MjlwalkerMark, @giftedhandsjo, @newdawnyouth, @whatuseeiswhat, @thaihelena, @AlwaysYvonne, @LT_EllenC, @pray_boy, @kendeleon, @agutamonda, @B_A_Role_Model, @iluvmamamary, @gabotamayo, @ArchdioceseSF, @DianaPoncini, @saintdj, @adepofalola, @lurayno, @SacredLibrary, @frmichaelnixon, @AaSibalicious, @AquinasMan, @drhouseholic, @DEjyke, @siothrun, @SinnejNitram, @tonnylopes, @ektorism, @efflorescekate, @spokeswmn, @mikefurtaw, @WeeManSham, @csmoonilal, @Ian__Paulo, @ohare_lisa, @amdg1953, @SeTeLiCiOuS, @frankiesgirl22, @lauriehooms, @sigr, @MizikeMercury, @SeelosinFuessen, @JoopKay, @alineribeiro13, @Kristin_Kimm, @maciejwojcicki, @KellyDomanAFC, @LeleTouch_, @SalesianVocatio, @SaintBP, @Helly_JCHOS, @ReVeraCaraMea, @pambegnaud, @ProEmerika, @WairatiSam, @LibertyHous, @Bamditzki, @JohnJanaro, @capo_burke, @brotherkerfoot, @alina_nieser, @VikkaAngelica, @kell0618, @NicholasMMutua, @GeoffreyBoyd1, @WhitneyJ1850, @Nardine_Soliman, @Fr_iMabura, @K_M_G_12, @Graceen44, @MarcoUrquia, @SaintMeinrad, @SialavidaCol, @mb_reimer, @Joel_Schmidt, @HashtagCatholic, @kennethperrin, @megodonnell117, @ugwumark, @Sinaimoses, @flamadiddle, @napaneedlepoint, @Gregory59rod, @doug_chappell, @FenceMama, @LynnBHarrington, @emilyeborders, @BhamCatholics, @AlexDrysdale69, @DJM1968, @CatholicamMater, @rickyvines, @DelawareChai, @jojojubee, @gordon_ike, @BDelightful160, @LadyMariaGough, @rgrutza, @PaulMMassell, @maddockred, @Shel_bee_P, @trentdf, @lilyniles, @nidy_ol, @brbschrm, @timrglass, @SeahawkDaddy, @SrMariaGemma, @DomSrStJoseph, @perrylamanilao, @TheCatholicEye, @TheresaManders, @Tromeroy, @trainingsaints, @MyClonesAction, @frmartyjohn, @ReymanSy, @johnbrunton2015, @elizabethh_2, @RaeOfSunshine14, @chinunnie, @stanley8705, @pribadihendri, @pjjed, @SrMaryK, @ArxPublishing, @nnamdianekwe, @LM_RM, @RuairiFallon, @Spirit_Expert, @ANSJ_7, @Estee463, @DJCP0211, @FrRory, @c_camley, @StOlivia, @unzurrun, @BenPen01, @Amelie__B, @Grutge, @MrsFurmanator, @catarinalai, @twaaay, @MoiraTauiliili, @LottStein, @blui07, @Shalin_correa, @crusty_bread101, @LiaMarta33, @Sonia_Kal, @monicagalliera, @NilAdmirare, @lewandowskijohn, @gabblemac, @PatrickSalah, @jordanstaal1fan, @cait_def, @MJWAK, @JehanneCREPINOV, @Chi_Nez, @Pray_52, @icenet2u, @Quazz, @JamesWong017, @bySebastian, @EAJaggersDavis, @69quietgirl, @lanipandy, @MattWoj, @FrStevePullis, @MollieOld, @Hey_J0, @TheSheepcat, @jatheo13, @TheGoodFruits, @imdquills, @mlodico, @thomasrhooks, @kerrierivard, @CatholicDrinkie, @TOBInstitute, @jessicateni, @McdanielDemcdan, @mdomflor, @CrusaderMaximus, @marivirgm, @catherinengland, @LewandowskiW, @CatholicGuyProb, @iheartyen143, @marissadanii, @marisela76, @CFensham, @Fr_Jason, @Siccyhomepan, @timothyjburdick, @CathChronicle, @Nut4Foto, @TheRevdDr, @MonicaPadilla94, @DeaconHarbey, @SimonDesales, @TheCarg, @Lunarteddy, @elmatrixxx, @JakeVana, @TinaLewis2000, @Edward_Blom, @Toyosi_Oni, @homilies, @Deusetmealux, @madgoogler, @maokafor, @dianagmcd, @darrylcherry, @mreroberson, @everyday5735, @trini_seff, @totoheart, @FranJoseOrtiz, @WillyeMuzz, @SomiEkhasomhi, @coopsha8, @luche57, @jmac_35, @AndrewsTweeting, @I_am_Khiya, @LaverneMiner, @jo_se_ma_ri_a, @everikson, @aguelap, @Catholici_T, @chief_mikegoner, @gojyou_saibai, @caitobr, @sprousemouse52, @gospa621, @OlisaMC, @Lainey8, @Tpjkearns, @pc325, @TamathaJ5, @mafalda80s, @LifeTeen, @Meg_Wall_E, @AndrewGrass1, @PamelaMueller, @MaryKate217, @hnasnazareth, @SuperPoshdoris, @IreneNM, @SoundMindSpirit, @aquadagnojr, @SlyburyMusic, @cochisemom, @DorenaChang, @FriarWannabe, @eugeneplastik, @mariyaphotostat, @Samyehsilver, @clau902, @crum_mary, @ace_evra121, @Sam_Randles, @_thehellwithit, @mrsrocknevious, @ArchwinnYAYA, @GAcquistapace, @TotusTuus, @ebrissman, @_WMichael, @DougTheLector, @nixonapun, @AndreasWidmer, @j_hylander, @MrLambdaChi, @melindajane5, @MrsCatholicSpaz, @diptyabdj, @PeterJSmithNY, @Katiebobatiee94, @stegorawrrr, @nicolegaultxx, @MaccormickPeggy, @LeslieSholly, @ClinnTeam, @fifiteddygirl, @hi_lol, @karachristop12, @davidcordaro, @CUAPress, @itsslaurenj, @jvpascua, @vjrhianne11, @leandrohez, @gilbert_marcia, @Lance_Rosen, @F8thful4life, @ihaveprayedforu, @TWlTTERofJESUS, @karenmoran11, @frjamesbradley, @TraditionalGent, @putrimamesah, @Pchurchmouse, @ChrisCrawfordnh, @CarlosLPlazas, @bigKAT_23, @kmartin128, @EBrag32, @Kennnakins, @_colliemum_, @StLukeLifeTeen, @TeeThingTwo, @jm_schmidt14, @ReillyJeffers, @_Jul_lia_, @qamamac, @supercatholic, @AbbyCallazo, @tom_perna, @THEchnOLOGY, @arenka, @padrealfonsom, @JonasFreiitas, @deborahpercy, , @GrimaChris, @ellymarie3, @piotrstudnicki, @Gosc_Niedzielny, @bukarolbu, @JSchmecks, @Patty__Hubbard, @Alfonso1690, @MandoAlejandro, @toddlol, @vwatson10, @suzannekane, @JRLLMESQ, @SouthrnCatholic, @brookehuber, @gchurst, @VernacCatholic, @iameminemsstan, @macostaga, @edembill, @MMamola, @stephen_ries, @richtena, @JasenFeyerherm, @brpeterfj, @mikeisthird, @JaelReyna, @anyyvoice, @chrismummert, @AdriMS, @frdarryl, @SueBissonette, @LT_TheBiblegeek, @ATLCatholic, @madamepasquier, @delicious12u91, @brentlacydotcom, @MegHunterKilmer, @juryout, @HFCSReligion, @AlimeldiM, @loulee1981, @SrYeadon, @tessodey, @fatherz, @jysasi, @stlawrencerams, @Sheila28562858, @KlaveCentesca, @Cardinal_Wuerl
P.s. If you want a special intention for your prayers, both I and Br Georg Rota who translated this will be ordained priests this year, God willing.
German Translation actually sent to the Pope
4. März 2013
Emeritierter Pontifex Benedikt XVI.
Päpstliche Residenz, Castel Gandolfo
Ihre Heiligkeit Benedikt XVI., Pax Christi,
Die ganze Welt ist für Ihren achtjährigen Dienst als Pontifex überaus dankbar. Es ist nahezu unmöglich unsere Dankbarkeit in Worte zu fassen, aber wir haben unser Möglichstes versucht. Einige Tage vor dem Ende Ihrer aktiven Amtszeit hatten einige von uns die Idee Tausende von Menschen dafür zu begeistern an #ThanksPontifex zu twittern. Es ist eine Art Dankeskarte mit tausenden von Unterschriften.
Am 27. und 28. Februar gingen 31.742 Dankesnachrichten aus allen Kontinenten der Erde für Sie ein. Allein um 20:00 Uhr des 28. Februar erhielten Sie 3.971 Dankes-Tweets innerhalb von einer Stunde. Viele bedanken sich für Ihr Beispiel an Demut, dass Sie ein Vorbild des Gebetes sind, dass Sie sie mit Ihren Schriften Jesus von Nazaret, Deus Caritas Est, Spes Salvi und Caritas in Veritate, gelehrt und erbaut haben. Andere bedanken sich dafür, dass Sie ein liebevoller Vater für sie waren und sind, dass Sie den Glauben in einer säkularisierten Welt verteidigt haben, und dass Sie die Kirche so treu geführt haben. Die meisten haben normale Dankesnachrichten geschickt, einige Lehrer haben jedoch ein „Dankeschön“ von jedem Ihrer Schüler gesammelt und diese getweetet. Hier einige Beispiele in den verschiedenen Sprachen:
[@Cardinal_Wuerl] The papacy of Benedict XVI has ended. The Chair of Peter is vacant. Thank you, Holy Father, for your faithful service. #ThanksPontifex
[@AlliSeeIsChrist] #ThanksPontifex for teaching us the true meaning of humility and embracing the crosses Jesus asks us to carry. Enjoy your retirement!
[@iPadre] @Pontifex Thank you for your contribution to the Sacred Liturgy. You are the father of the New Liturgical Movement! #ThanksPontifex
[@SkeeterMaghee] #ThanksPontifex for 38 inspiring tweets
[@LT_EllenC] I’m just extremely grateful for all you have done for our Church. Thank you for your beautiful witness of Christ’s Love! #ThanksPontifex
[@schndersa] #Thankspontifex thank you for your wonderful example to the World.
[@perrylamanilao] Semper in orationibus nostris, @Pontifex_ln. Nos diligimus vos. Et orabit pro te. #ThanksPontifex
[@eri_story] Vielen Dank für Ihre Serie der Bücher “Jesus von Nazareth” #ThanksPontifex
[@righetto] Grazie @Pontifex per la tua preghiera costante #thankspontifex
[@PYves_P] Pour votre humilité, vos enseignements, votre présence et votre exemple, notamment à Sydney et à Madrid, #ThanksPontifex
[@marivirgm] Emoción. Oración. Agradecimiento. Confianza en Dios. Viva el Papa!! #ThanksPontifex #graciasBenedictoXVI
Wie Sie uns in Ihrer letzten Generalaudienz versprochen haben werden Sie uns im Gebet begleiten, und auch wir möchten Ihnen versprechen Sie im Gebet als Freunde auf dem letzten Stück Ihrer Pilgerreise zu begleiten. Wie man im Twitter Chargon zu sagen pflegt #GBU (God bless you)
Im Herrn verbunden,
Br. Matthew P. Schneider, LC (@22Catholic)
und meine Helfer und Mitarbeiter:
Dr. Brian Kiczek (@DrBrianKiczek), seine Frau Esmeralda (@EsmeraldaKiczek),
und Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy).
Da Nachrichten von allen Kontinenten eingegangen sind konnte ich nicht alle Unterschriften sammeln. Hier sind die ersten 1000 Menschen, die an #ThanksPontifex getweetet haben
[I will save you the list again]
P.S.: Wenn Sie ein besonderes Anliegen in Ihre Gebete aufnehmen könnten, wären wir sehr dankbar: ich und Br. Georg Rota, der diese Nachricht übersetzt hat, werden, so Gott will, beide dieses Jahr zu Priestern geweiht.