This is the first of a three-part series. It explores the errors in a vaccine video popular in certain circles.

Yes, you read that right. Fr. Ripperger said only a certain type of vaccines are licit in the object and the vast majority have never had one of those vaccines so he’s saying every vaccine most of us have taken is illicit in its object.
After I reviewed the video of Fr. Dave Nix, people kept sending me another podcast. I had initially declined to listen to over an hour when the “expert” made multiple factual errors early in the recording, but while on COVID quarantine, I decided to give it a go. (I have been off COVID quarantine for a while but I wrote out a complete first draft then and have only edited it a bit since then.) […]
This podcast had so much bad information that my review will take three posts to cover. They will follow approximately the chronological order of the podcast. In this first one, I will deal with Ripperger’s selective use of the Vatican magisterium, his issue with the object of vaccination, and his problem with vaccine ingredients. This was as far as I got before turning it off the first time I listened.