Back on June 22nd , I spent a few hours doing an interview with Roselle Reyes at Divine Mercy University. She and her cameraman (whose name I forgot -oops) also filed some B-roll. Reyes hosts EWTN News in Depth. At the time, they had no idea when it would come out as Dobbs was expected soon after and they knew that would confuse their schedule a bit. It came out on EWTN News in Depth just over a week ago on August 5th.
Here is the video from the EWTN News in Depth YouTube channel.
There is one slight error which is probably my fault for not communicating well enough. My doctoral degree is from the Pontifical Atheneum Regina Apostolorum in Rome. I was assistant chaplain at Divine Mercy University while writing it & the wires got crossed. Divine Mercy is a specialty school only offering grad degrees in psychology and counseling, and certifications like working with trauma patients or spiritual direction. (If this sounds interesting, check DMU out.)
The timing of the interview was interesting as the opportunity to teach theology at Belmont Abbey College – what I will be doing this school year – had already come up and I was working on it but it was not far enough along to mention publicly so I had to just focus on being chaplain at Divine Mercy even though I was ~95% sure I would be switching to teaching at Belmont soon after this.
Most of this many of you already know. The last ~20% of this piece is about a mother and her autistic kids trying to live out the Catholic faith. It is a single story but I’ve heard others in similar situations. Also, Reyes asked me for some childhood photos, so I grabbed a few.
Hopefully, this helps people get a better understanding of autism in the Church. If you want to go deeper than this piece, please consider buying my book on autistic prayer.
Thanks to Roselle Reyes of EWTN News in Depth for this piece.