Back in Spring 2023, I did a recording with some people at Duquesne University on human flourishing as autistics from a Christian perspective. The roundtable presents a good spectrum of perspectives on living as an autistic Christian in our broken world.
Elizabeth Agnew-Cochran was the moderator and facilitator and I was one of several panelists. We recorded for a while and three videos from this recording have come out on YouTube since then.
First Video: What is Autistic Flourishing
The discussion began with a discussion of what is flourishing in general and then moved to autistic flourishing. How do we as autistics work towards our end as humans or live a full life as humans?
Second Video: Autistic Flourishing in the Church
When we look at living this fullness of autistic flourishing, we need to look at how it happens in the Church. We don’t grow or flourish apart from the Church as Christians, but within the Church. So, we need to look at how the Church can facilitate our flourishing.
Third Video: Christian Neurodiversity
Within looking at how autistics can flourish, we need to look at the paradigm we work within. This brings in the perspective of neurodiversity, which is important to see the full image and likeness of God in us as autistics.
I hope this video series helped many of you to see the autistic perspective on the fullness of human and Christian life.