The March for Life 2022 happened today and people had plenty of amazing signs. I tried to filter through all of them on the ground for some amazing original signs.
1. Where there is life, there is love.

2. Equality Begins in the Womb

3. Life on Mars vs life on Earth.

4. If biologically human, then philosophically equal! (Excellent logic.)

5. If it were your body, you’d be the one who dies.

7. The First Feminists Were Pro-Life

8. Mother Theresa: How Can there be too many children?

9. Social Justice Begins in the Womb

10. How can society be inclusive if we abort 2/3 children with a prenatal diagnosis of Downs syndrome?

12. A uterus should be a sanctuary for a baby.

13. Abortion is a violent act against a defenseless human being.

16. Abortion supports toxic masculinity.

17. Life begins at conception, not perception

18. Pro-Science, Pro-Woman, Pro-Life

20. The Orthodox bring out the icons.

21. This couple is willing to adopt. (If you are pregnant & don’t want to keep the baby, submit a comment below with your email & I’ll email the full phone number and delete the comment [comments are pre-screened] or you can message me on social media, no questions asked.)

- I took all these photos myself.
- Titles link to the tweets with those photos in them.
- I release these images under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, with the attribution needing to have a visible link back to this article if online & my name visible if offline.
- One challenge of doing this year after year is that I’ll see a sign then remember I featured it in the past so I try to avoid repetion by not posting them again this year.
- Past years:
Footnote: Here are the signs for my religious community and the University I often say daily Mass at.