Both Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict need our help, our prayers. I thought, what a better way then to invoke Mary thousands of times for them. But there is no way for me to do that alone, so I’m asking you to help and tell all your friends too.
You know how every so often, when you’re on Facebook, you get one of these messages that says 1,000,000 likes and mom says we can get a puppy, or like if you support X cause (also with a million likes). I thought, why not do something like that. This way we could get thousands of people to each say a few Hail Marys.
Here’s how it works: you like the picture and say 1 Hail Mary, then you share it and pray a 2nd. If you really want to help out, start sharing it in other places (groups you belong to, friends’ timelines, etc.) and pray one more Hail Mary each time. I really hope we can get 100,000 for each Pope and not just 100,000 total.
I stuck with 100,000 since I think it is a realistic reachable goal.
The image on the page for this blog (like this) is HERE.
And it’s on my timeline (share this) HERE.