We need to listen to the Pope.

“I’ve heard that it’s fashionable, or at least usual, that when in the first few months of pregnancy they do studies to see if the child is healthy or has something, the first offer is: let’s send it away,” the pope said June 16, referring to the trend of aborting sick or disabled children.
This, he said, is “the murder of children…to get a peaceful life an innocent [person] is sent away…We do the same as the Nazis to maintain the purity of the race, but with white gloves.”
Here’s what I conclude:
Abortion is a grave evil. If we want to convince mothers to change their minds and not abort such precious people, we need to help create an environment that treasures their unique gifts. The number one way to make abortion unthinkable is to make every woman see a positive life ahead for her and any child she might conceive. Abortion is usually an escape when the life ahead doesn’t look good. Whether abortion is legal or not matters, but what matters more is how society presents the possibilities. If we show the beauty of living with Down Syndrome or other conditions, women will be less tempted to abort.
Read it all on Patheos.