Several priests were promoting confusion and bad theology around vaccines. I pointed out one of these in a post.

There are unfortunately a lot of errors in Catholic circles on COVID vaccines. I have watched the start of several long podcasts and given up when the experts had blatant factual inaccuracies or bad theology more than once. I don’t want to watch 1-3 hours of presenting random misinformation and parse the errors one by one. Fr. Dave Nix had a shorter video that many were sharing. It is fortunately short enough that I can go point by point in refuting him.
Fr. David Nix is a priest of the Archdiocese of Denver who is now canonically a diocesan hermit.
I will give an approximate timestamp for each error. Going almost line by line in his video went a little longer than I suspected so you may want to just skim. I try to start each paragraph or two with a direct quote of Fr. Dave Nix and then you can choose to read why that’s an issue or skip to the next.
You can read the rest on Patheos.