As my book came out, a number of places are doing reviews of the book or interviews about it. Sarah Robsdottir of Aleteia decided to do a bit of a combination of the two. It’s mainly an interview, but it shows she read the book.
Here’s the intro from the Aleteia article:

Fr. Matthew Schneider, a priest with the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi and self-proclaimed “Moral Theologian, Autistic, Writer, Social Media Guru, etc.” has caught a lot of attention over the past few years on social media and numerous spirituality outlets (including by contributing to the Catholic discourse on a wide variety of relevant topics.
But what Fr. Schneider is best known for is the way he’s embraced his Neurodiversity and the way he’s encouraging others to do the same. Fr. Schneider recently partnered with Pauline Books and Media to release the much-awaited prayer book ‘God Loves the Autistic Mind: For Those on the Spectrum and Those who Love Us.‘
Here are Sarah Robsdottir’s questions. My replies are on their site.
Aleteia: What inspired you to write this particular prayer book? […]
Aleteia: What makes your book specific to Autistics? And would people with Asperger’s Syndrome benefit from reading it as well? […]
Aleteia: What are a few key “take-aways” you hope readers gain from your book? […]
Aleteia: Any Saints or Catholic heroes you relate to, specifically in regard to being on the Spectrum? […]
Aleteia: I have a friend whose teenage son was recently diagnosed with Autism. The news has been incredibly difficult for them to handle. Do you have any words of wisdom or comfort to offer them, as well as families in similar situations?
Read the rest over there. I see that it is only available for Aleteia premium members, which means not all of you will be able to read it.
Here’s a list of where you can order God Loves the Autistic Mind.